Thursday, December 07, 2006

Shots Necessary by Jan 07!

Another reminder from HCPSS for your kids to get their shots by Jan 07 !

Countywide eSchoolnewsletter-----------------------------------------

All children in Preschool - 9th grade MUST have proof of immunization against:-- Hepatitis B-- Chickenpox (Varicella)

Students who do not provide proper documentation of immunization will be EXCLUDED FROM SCHOOL beginning in January 2007. You have been notified by your child's school if your child's health records show that he or she is missing these vaccinations.

If your child needs these vaccinations, contact your doctor or come to one of the following Howard County Health Department immunization clinics:

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm (arrive by 5 pm)
Burleigh Manor Middle School
4200 Centennial LaneEllicott City, MD 21042


Wednesday, December 27, 2006
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Howard County Health Department
7178 Gateway DriveColumbia, MD 21046

Posted by the HCPSS Public Information Office


Anonymous said...

Regarding varicella vaccines: When is someone going to address the issue that, per my pediatrician, medical records were not kept on chicken pox cases, and often the Dr. asked that the child not be brought to the office?

Why would we require anyone above 5th grade to have varicella vaccines when the state goal is to have all students vaccinated by 2013?

This is not fair, and can be very unhealthy for children who've had the disease, but not the shot.

And dont' believe that the child can be tested. The tests are not robust, and are excluding children who did have the disease from appearing positive on blood tests, in addition to the irritation for the parent, and needless pain for the child.

Really, please address this. It's quite serious when these children and their parents are put through this, without fairness or law to back it up.

Don said...

We will see in the coming weeks but it is possible that a doctor may be joining the Ho Co BOE. Dr. Siddiqui would be qualified to address student health issues since she is a pediatrician.

Anonymous said...

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